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At-Large Officers and Working Group Leaders

17 March 2009

Elected Officers of the ALAC, Liaisons and Working Groups

Last Updated: 17 March 2009

Note that non-ALAC members who have volunteered to be participants in working groups are not listed below unless they are a WG co-ordinator/leader. This is simply because this page would be burdensome to maintain as members of the community join working groups at their pleasure and so working group membership can change very frequently.

For a listing of commitments shown by ALAC Member, see Commitments of ALAC Members

ALAC Executive Committee

Chair: Cheryl Langdon-Orr (Australia)

Vice Chairs: Vanda Scartezini (Brazil), Sebastien Bachollet (France), Fatimata Seye Sylla (Senegal)

Rapporteur: Alan Greenberg (Canada)

ALAC Liaisons

ICANN Board Liaison: Wendy Seltzer (USA)

GNSO Liaison: Alan Greenberg (Canada)

ccNSO Liaison: Rudi Vansnick (Belgium)

SSAC Liaison: Patrick Vande Walle (Belgium)

IDNs: Sivasubramanian Muthusamy (India)

WHOIS: Jose Ovidio Salgueiro (Venezuela)

NCUC: Beau Brendler (USA)

ALAC Sub-Committees

Budget and Finance:

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (as Chair and APRALO)
Vanda Scartezini (as Vice Chair and LACRALO)
Adam Peak (EURALO)
Fatimata Seye Sylla (AFRALO)
Gareth Sherman (NARALO)

Working Groups

ALAC Organisational Development

Cheryl Langdon-Orr
Vanda Scartezini
Hawa Diakite

At-Large IRT Process

Officers: Patrick Vande Walle?

Baudoin Schombe (AFRALO)
Hong Xue (APRALO)
Robert Gregory (APRALO)
Sophie Garland (APRALO)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (APRALO)
Holly Raiche (APRALO)
Karaitiana Taiuru (APRALO)
Christopher Wilkinson (EURALO)
Adam Peake (EURALO)
Marie Emmanuelle HAAS (EURALO)
Sergio Salinas Porto (LACRALO)
Carlos Aguirre (LACRALO)
Vanda Scartezini (LACRALO)
Carlton Samuels (LACRAlO)
Beau Brendler (NARALO)
Brett Fausett (NARALO)

At-Large Engagement in ICANN

Fatimata Seye Sylla (Chair)
Hawa Diakité (Vice Chair)
Andrés Piazza (Vice Chair)
Dessi Greve (Rapporteur)

DNS Security Issues within ICANN's Remit

Lutz Donnerhacke (Chair)
Patrick Vande Walle (Vice Chair)
Holly Raiche (Rapporteur)

Future Structure and Governance of ICANN

Sébastien Bachollet (Chair)
Sylvia Herlein Leite (Vice Chair)
Seth M. Reiss (Rapporteur)

ICANN Transparency and Accountability

Wolfgang Kleinwaechter (Chair)
Adam Peake (Vice Chair)
Darlene Thompson (Rapporteur)


Nguyen Thu Hue
Fatimata Seye Sylla (ALAC Issue Co-ordinator and WG Chair)
Hong Xue
Mohammed El Bashir
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy (as IDN Liaison)

IPv4 - IPv6 Migration

Olivier Crépin-Leblond (Chair)
Sebastien Bachollet (ALAC Issue Co-ordinator)
Patrick Vande Walle (Vice Chair?)
Izumi Aizu (Vice Chair?)
Carlos Aguirre
Hawa Diakite

New gTLDs

Khaled Koubaa (Chair)
Nguyen Thu Hue (ALAC Issue Coordinator)
Hong Xue (Vice Chair)
Rudi Vansnick (Vice Chair)
Evan Leibovitch (Rapporteur)
Erick Iriarte Ahon (Vice Chair)
Sebastien Ricciardi (Vice Chair)
Beau Brendler

Registrant/Registrar Relations

Beau Brendler (co-chair/coordinator + ALAC Issue Co-ordinator)
Rudi Vansnick


Jose Ovidio Salgueiro (ALAC Issue Co-ordinator & WHOIS Liaison)
Fatimata Seye Sylla
Beau Brendler

Cross-Constituency Committees

IDNC Working Group

Cheryl Langdon-Orr
Hong Xue