Welcome, introductions - Vittorio Bertola, ALAC Chair
At-Large Involvement in ICANN
Overview of At-Large Organizing and Advocacy - Vittorio
At-Large organizing
- Conducting outreach through mailing lists, website, regional/international
conferences - Developed, gained Board approval of, and implemented At-Large Structure
accreditation process - 8 more At-Large Structure applications received since ICANN Tunis
meeting in October 2003 - Conducted due diligence (process can be tracked on website –
www.alac.icann.org) - First round of votes in December 2003
- Second round of votes in February 2004
- All applications approved except one rejected as ineligible (application
incomplete) - Currently 10 organizations accredited as At-Large Structures + 6
applications under due diligence (in Tunis: 0 ALS + 8 under due diligence) - Current list of accredited At-Large Structures:
– Società Internet (Europe)
– Arab Knowledge Management Society (Asia/Aust./Pac.)
– Alfa-Redi (Latin America/Caribbean Islands)
– FITUG (Europe)
– Internet Society Luxembourg A.S.B.L. (Europe)
– Internet Society Bulgaria (Europe)
– Moroccan Internet Society (Africa)
– Anais.AC (Africa)
– Sudan Internet Society (Africa)
– Internet Society - Finland (Europe) - Prepared “welcome package” for accredited orgs and working
to identify orgs’ interests/needs and involve orgs and their members
in ICANN - Two regional workshops held in Rome – Europe and Asia/Pacific/Australia
to discuss At-Large organizing efforts in these regions - ALAC currently conducting due diligence on six applications:
– Internet Society Vasudhay Kutumbhkum (ISVK) - India (Asia/Australia/Pacific)
– ISOC Taiwan Chapter (Asia/Australia/Pacific)
– At Large @ China (Asia/Australia/Pacific)
– National Information Infrastructure Enterprise Promotion Association,
Taiwan (Asia/Australia/Pacific)
– Internet Society - Catalan Chapter (Europe)
– Asociación Costarricense de Derecho Informático
(Latin America/Caribbean Islands)
At-Large Advocacy/Policy Development - At-Large liaisons serving on three GNSO WHOIS task forces
- At-Large statement on registry services recently issued
- At-Large liaison working on WIPO-2 task force
Other activities: WSIS
- Informal participation by some ALAC members in WSIS and in related
events - ALAC co-organized WSIS workshop here in Rome
- Very important that the ICANN community:
– is informed about what is happening at WSIS
– mobilizes local Internet communities
– participates in the upcoming UN WG activities - Statement recently released emphasize:
– Support for public-private partnership and ICANN
– A couple of issues still need to be addressed
– ALAC willing to participate in UN working group
At-Large activity in Africa - Clement Dzidonu, ALAC
- African RALO Contact Group Set-up
- Website to publicize/coordinate African region activities is being
developed - Secretariat to support outreach & ALSs recruitment/mobilization
activities is being set-up to be based in Accra - Targeted outreach to increase number of ALSs is on-going and will
be step-up leading to Kuala Lumpur and thereafter (revised schedule
on reaching critical mass of accredited ALSs) - Still hopeful to launch RALO in Cape Town or at minimum get enough
ALSs and start the formation process
At-Large activity in Asia/Australia/Pacific - Tommy
Matsumoto, Izumi Aizu, Hong Xue, ALAC members
- APNG – started “AtLarge Committee”
- Outreach meetings at:
- APRICOT, Kuala Lumpur
- AP* meeting
- APNG meeting - ALAC conducting due diligence on 4 ALS applications from this region
- Planning organizing event in Kuala Lumpur to advance RALO
At-Large activity in Europe - Roberto Gaetano, ALAC
- 2 more applications received
- Formal requirements for RALO already met
- Broadening the scope, schedule revised
- Mailing to around 40 “non-technical” organizations –
some feedback received - Aiming to start a founding group
At-Large activity in Latin America/Caribbean Islands
- Sebastian Ricciardi, ALAC member
- Conducting outreach to variety of groups
- Professional societies (e.g. engineers, attorneys, etc.)
- Consumer advocacy and civil society groups
- Computer user organizations
- Others
Current Issues Affecting Individual Internet Users
- Introduction of New Domain Names - status report on ICANN evaluation
of new gTLDs, Miriam Sapiro, gTLD Evaluation Team (Presentation
- PDF) - WHOIS Database - addressing privacy, accuracy, access, and use of
the WHOIS database - Vittorio Bertola, Thomas Roessler (Presentation
- PDF) - WIPO II – Sebastian Ricciardi (Presentation
- PDF) - WSIS – Izumi Aizu (Presentation
- PDF) - Registry Services - developing procedures for handling registry changes
that may affect Internet users - Thomas Roessler (Presentation
- PDF)