ALAC LIASON´s at Dot Mobi Workspace - Espacio del Enlace de ALAC en Dot Mobi
Current Position: Andrés Piazza for the year 2009 - Actual Posición: Andrés Piazza para el año 2009
Reports / Reportes
Preliminary Report as ALAC Liason at Dot Mobi 2009 - December 2008
Reporte Preliminar como Enlace de ALAC en Dot Mobi para 2009- Diciembre 2008
Many thanks for this report. As mobile communications become more embedded in our region, the dotMobi domain will begin to have an impact. It is a good thing that you are participating.
contributed by Guest User on Dec 3 9:30am
Well done!!! Very, very interesting, specially for the AtLarge community who have never had the minnimun idea about this.
Carlos Aguirre
contributed by Guest User on Dec 4 4:58am
Prezado Andres:
muito esclarecedor esse informe preliminar. Estamos cientes que sua atuação no DotMobi será de grande importância para a comunidade de usuários finais de Internet.
Nossos melhores desejos nas suas funções em 2009.
Muito Obrigada
Sylvia Herlein Leite
Internauta Brasil
contributed by Guest User on Dec 5 9:37am
Felicitaciones, Andrés!
Estoy segura que en tu nueva posición podrás aportar una perspectiva original y sólida, que considere tanto los intereses de los miembros individuales como los de la comunidad en general.
Muchas gracias por el informe!
María Inés Bergoglio
contributed by Guest User on Dec 5 10:47am
Your penultimate paragraph has a very cryptic reference that might be useful to clarify. You said "Also will ALAC Liason at Dot Mobi and will be providing monthly reports to that committee telling important matters related to Individual Internet Users´s interest in Mobile Internet, taking in special consideration to disclose only the information which is not considered confidential by Dot Mobi"
Would it be a correct interpretation to say that you are now bound by Dot Mobi to a Non Disclosure Agreement as Liaison?
contributed by Guest User on Dec 5 1:42pm