Application for "At-Large Structure" (ALS) Designation
Please note: This is an "unofficial" translation of the Alfa-Redi application done by a volunteer. It has not yet been cleared with Alfa-Redi for accuracy. The application submitted by Alfa-Redi can be found here.
General Information:
Organization Name:
Alfa-Redi -
Email Address:
contacto@xxxxxx -
Telephone Number:
+511 2416563 -
Av. Jose Pardo 329, pdto. 303. Miraflores, Lima - Peru -
Website: -
Contact regarding this application:
Erick Iriarte Ahon
+511 97917693
Av. Prescott 256, dpto. J-503
San Isidro. Lima-Peru
Is your organization constituted so that participation by individual Internet users who are citizens or residents of countries within the Geographic Region in which your organization is based will predominate in your organization's operation?
Although AlfaRefi is established in Peru, it has members from other countries. Our focus is the Latin American user: will give you an idea of the scope and diversity -
Describe your organization's constituents/membership (number, citizenship/location, defining characteristic - e.g. profession for professional societies):
AlfaRedi users are mainly lawyers and Digital Law specialists. However, we also have engineers, journalists, and sociologists. We have 400 members from 31 countries. In our forums and discussion lists, we account 2500 non members subscribers. -
Explain the eligibility requirements (if any) for your organization's constituents/membership (if you provide a written application for admission as a member, you may attach a copy):
To be eligible as a member, it is mandatory to accept the principles and goals of the organization. We also request the publication of - at least - one (1) scientific article -approved by AlfaRedi scientific committee- in the academic forum, -
In what language/s does your organization conduct its business?
Our organization works mainly in Spanish and Portuguese. Even though, we have contributions in English and French. -
Provide support for the statement that your organization is self-supporting (by answering "yes" you confirm that it will not rely on ICANN for funding):
Our organization budget rely on our own funds, and we don't receive financing from ICANN at this moment. -
Describe your organization's structure (e.g. governing and decision-making bodies and processes):
AlfaRedi has an executive committee formed by members from different countries. All our decisions and discussions are being taken using digital technologies. -
Does your organization commit to supporting its individual constituents'/membership's informed participation in ICANN?
To support the informed participation of our members in ICANN is part of the work we are already doing, by translating ICANN documents (Spanish & Portuguese) and promoting the participation of the LatAm user in ICANN forums. We do this specially through LatinoamerICANN (see and the Organization of the Iberoamerican Conferences in Domain Names. -
Describe how your organization keeps its constituents/membership informed about, and enables them to participate in, decisions regarding issues of interest:
Our main communication vehicle is the e-mail. We also publish newsletters and our website. -
Does your organization post on the Internet publicly-accessible, current information about your organization's goals, structure, description of constituent group(s)/membership, working mechanisms, leadership, and contact(s) (if this information currently is available, provide URLs)?
Information on our structure, goals, principles, etc can be found at:: (Principles and Goals / History of the organization) (Council) (Basic Members) (Brochure) -
Provide information on your organization's leadership (leaders' names, positions, emails):
You can find this information at:
Coordinaci�n General
Erick Iriarte (Per�) (eiriarte@xxxxxx)
Carmen Velarde (Per�) (cvelarde@xxxxxx)
Directores de Relaciones Institucionales
Fernando Maresca (Argentina) (fmaresca@xxxxxx)
Flor Maria Cuellar (M�xico) (fcuellar@xxxxxx)
Directores de Financiamiento
Jose Ovidio Salgueiro (Venezuela) (jsalgueiro@xxxxxx)
Leopoldo Brandt (Venezuela) (lbrandt@xxxxxx)
Directores de Asuntos Acad�micos
Jose Luis Barzallo (Ecuador) (jbarzallo@xxxxxx)
Mariliana Rico (Venezuela) (mrico@xxxxxx)
Directores de Asuntos de Nuevas Tecnolog�as
Jeimy Cano (Colombia) (jcano@xxxxxx)
Humberto Carrasco (Chile) (hcarrasco@xxxxxx)
Directores de Proyectos Especiales
James Graham (Luxemburgo) (jgraham@xxxxxx)
Rodolfo Herrera (Chile) (rherrera@xxxxxx)
Directores de Asuntos Legales
Fanny Aguirre (Per�) (faguirre@xxxxxx)
Javier Maestre (Espa�a) (jmaestre@xxxxxx)
Directores de Eventos
Claudio Magliona (Chile) (cmagliona@xxxxxx)
What is your organization's primary goal or mission (please attach any mission or policy statement for your organization, if in writing, or provide a URL, if posted):
AlfaRedi principles are stated in our website and in our incorporation Act.
"... This is then a network space for the meeting of all those who have interests in Electronic Law, New Technologies, and, in general, the relationship between Law and Technology, in this brand new Information Society. We reserve a special place for the discussion of Public Policies and Regulatory issues regarding the Information Society..."
What ICANN-related issues currently are of interest to your organization's constituents/membership:
Some issues commonly related to ICANN are of our special interest:
a. Public policies in the administration of the DNS. b. Intellectual Property and dispute resolution. c. Nature of the DNS as a legal entity. d. Individual participation. e. Internet Governance and structure.
If formed, will your organization commit to assisting the Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) for the region in which your organization is based in performing its function?
We state here our commitment to help in the development of the Regional At Large Organization for Latin America.
Erick Iriarte Ahon
(Persona autorizada para firmar la aplicaci�n)