Application for "At-Large Structure" (ALS) Designation
Contact information
1. Organization's Name: ICT4D Jamaica
2. Organization's email address: info@xxxxxxxx
3. Organization's phone number (include country/city codes): 1(876) 929-1595/754-6254
4. Organization's address (location and postal address, if different): HEART Trust/NTA c/o 6B Oxford Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica
5. Organization's website (URL) (if available):
6. Organization's contact for ALS application (email, phone, address): Melody_Palmer@xxxxxxxx; Tele# 828-9519; c/o 6B Oxford Road, Kingston 5
7. Is your organization constituted so that participation by individual Internet users who are citizens or residents of countries within the Geographic Region in which your organization is based will predominate in your organization's operation?
8. Describe your organization's constituents/membership (number, citizenship/location, defining characteristic - e.g. profession for professional societies):
ICT4D Jamaica's membership comprises of private and public sectors and members of the civil society. We are a knowledge sharing network and we have a newsletter publication called Jamaica Links which is disseminated by 300 copies per quarter. We are involved in sector-specifc initiatives in mainly 5 thematic areas:Education/Training, Hospitality/Tourism,Agriculture/Agri-processing,Community Development/e-Governance and Entertainment/Music. Various ICT companies provide support/funding for the initiatives we implement such as the Jamaica Collaborative Universal Technology Education(JCUTE) for secondary schools. Mrs Elizabeth Terry is the Chair of ICT4D Jamaica which has a Board of ten members including trach chairs for the abovementioned areas.
9. Explain the eligibility requirements (if any) for your organization's constituents/membership (if you provide a written application for admission as a member, you may attach a copy):
The link to the web page; we do not per se provide an eligibility letter for membership:
10. In what language/s does your organization conduct its business?
11. Provide support for the statement that your organization is self-supporting (by answering "yes" you confirm that it will not rely on ICANN for funding):
No; major funding currently undertaken by overseas donor
12. Describe your organization's structure (e.g. governing and decision-making bodies and processes):
Decisions are made by the ICT4D Jamaica Board which meets bi-monthly. The Secretariat consists of a Chair/Facilitator,Project Development Specialist, Content Editor/Developer and IN Coordinator.Meetings are informal and decisions made by majority vote.
13. Does your organization commit to supporting its individual constituents'/membership's informed participation in ICANN?
14. Describe how your organization keeps its constituents/membership informed about, and enables them to participate in, decisions regarding issues of interest:
ICT4D Jamaica newsletter, ICT4D Jamaica website, press releases,workshops,seminars,conference
15. Does your organization post on the Internet publicly-accessible, current information about your organization's goals, structure, description of constituent group(s)/membership, working mechanisms, leadership, and contact(s) (if this information currently is available, provide URLs)?
Yes, it does:
16. Provide information on your organization's leadership (leaders' names, positions, emails):
Mrs Elizabeth Terry Chair/Facilitator, ICT4D Jamaica and Director of Projects and Partnerships,HEART Trust/NTA email:Elizabeth_Terry@xxxxxxxx
17. What is your organization's primary goal or mission (please attach any mission or policy statement for your organization, if in writing, or provide a URL, if posted):
To foster sustainable development and improve global competitiveness through research and modeling, advocacy and knowledge sharing of ICT enabled best practices.
18. What ICANN-related issues currently are of interest to your organization's constituents/membership:
cheaper Internet costs, privacy , security in conducting online transactions
19. If formed, will your organization commit to assisting the Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) for the region in which your organization is based in performing its function?
Elizabeth Terry Chair/Facilitator ,ICT4D Jamaica;Director of Projects & Partnerships,HEART Trust/NTA