Application for "At-Large Structure" (ALS) Designation
Contact information
1. Organization's Name: DevNet
2. Organization's email address: info@xxxxxxxx
3. Organization's phone number (include country/city codes): (592) 227-5723
4. Organization's address (location and postal address, if different): 42 Brickdam & United Nations Place
Stabroek, Georgetown
5. Organization's website (URL) (if available):
6. Organization's contact for ALS application (email, phone, address): Lance Hinds
42 Brickdam & United Nations Place
Stabroek, Georgetown, Guyana
(592) 646-5974
7. Is your organization constituted so that participation by individual Internet users who are citizens or residents of countries within the Geographic Region in which your organization is based will predominate in your organization's operation?
No, we support the effort to improve affordable access to the internet throughout the Caribbean
8. Describe your organization's constituents/membership (number, citizenship/location, defining characteristic - e.g. profession for professional societies):
Devnet is a Non Governmental organization that promote the use of ICT for national and regional development. The membership is drawn for the various sectors (i.e. private and public sectors, academia, civil society)
9. Explain the eligibility requirements (if any) for your organization's constituents/membership (if you provide a written application for admission as a member, you may attach a copy):
10. In what language/s does your organization conduct its business?
11. Provide support for the statement that your organization is self-supporting (by answering "yes" you confirm that it will not rely on ICANN for funding):
Devnet is self supporting but does not have a sufficient enough budget for travel
12. Describe your organization's structure (e.g. governing and decision-making bodies and processes):
Devnet is governed by an Executive Committee which is elected annually. DevNet?s constitution is on website at for any further clarification
13. Does your organization commit to supporting its individual constituents'/membership's informed participation in ICANN?
14. Describe how your organization keeps its constituents/membership informed about, and enables them to participate in, decisions regarding issues of interest:
The Executive Committeee uses emails and face to face meeting.
15. Does your organization post on the Internet publicly-accessible, current information about your organization's goals, structure, description of constituent group(s)/membership, working mechanisms, leadership, and contact(s) (if this information currently is available, provide URLs)?
Yes, on the website
16. Provide information on your organization's leadership (leaders' names, positions, emails):
Chairman: Lance Hinds (lhinds@xxxxxxxx) Office Coordinator: Surujdai Ramraj (Suruj@xxxxxxxx)
17. What is your organization's primary goal or mission (please attach any mission or policy statement for your organization, if in writing, or provide a URL, if posted):
18. What ICANN-related issues currently are of interest to your organization's constituents/membership:
Internet Governance, Continued and affordable Universal Access, Zone File ownership and related policies.
19. If formed, will your organization commit to assisting the Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) for the region in which your organization is based in performing its function?
Lance Hinds