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ALAC Call with Rod Beckstrom

25 August 2009


Host: Rod Beckstrom, President and CEO, ICANN

Description: The Chair of the ALAC has requested that Rod Beckstrom, ICANN President and CEO, join a teleconference with ALAC to discuss how At-Large might become more integrally engaged in ICANN's external relations, such as with respect to the IGF and intergovernmental organisations.

Recording: ENGLISHOpens a new window

  1. Introductions (very brief) of those attending
  2. "Regional Events" and Issues: How can RALOs and Regional leaders in At-Large work with Rod & relevant staff on a regional basis?
    1. Regional IGF Preparatory Meetings
    2. *TLD meetings
    3. Other meetings - national Internet related meetings
    4. Information submitted to governments by At-Large community members with information about ICANN included (see below)
    5. Other Internet meetings where At-Large members are attending
  3. Global Events and Issues: How can At-Large participate more effectively alongside other ICANN communities, Rod and relevant staff?
    1. Annual IGF Events
    2. Intergovernmental or Governmental meetings on Internet issues
    3. Other meetings with Internet-governance elements
  4. Coordination: Are there opportunities for greater coordination between At-Large and ICANN corporate's external relations efforts?
    1. Ensuring External Relations staff are aware of community members attending meetings
    2. Ensuring community is aware of what events External Relations is attending
    3. How can a two-way system of information-sharing be created?
  5. Budget Issues: Staff/At-Large interaction on budgeting increasingly constructive / effective; how can this be applied in the context of the discussion in items 2, 3, and 4 above


Item 2.4: An example of this is the inclusion of the ICANN model in "Iterative policy learning" through decentralised spaces, in the recent briefing paper and recommendation endorsements from Public Sphere 2: Government 2.0 in AustraliaOpens a new window (see p15 of the PDF version). Note a Handover of this Report and Q&A with the Australian Govt 2.0 Task Force is being held on Aug 21Opens a new window

Item 3: At-Large Staff and the community are maintaining a calendar of the events that At-Large members are attending, or which they think are important and should be attended by someone in ICANN, but which are not ICANN-sponsored. This shared resource could have others added to it and become a collaboration of the kind discussed in Item 3. The calendar can be found at a new window