Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.0309/1
Date: Tuesday 24 March 2009
Time: 14h00 - 15h30 UTC
(For the time in various timezones click hereOpens a new window)
Interpretation Available: Yes (EN, FR, ES - Simultaneous)
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Who is on the dial-out list for this callOpens a new window?
Participants ALAC:
A. Greenberg, G Shearman, P Vande Walle, J Ovidio, C Langdon-Orr, S
Bachollet, C Aguirre, T H Nguyen, B Brendler, V Vivekanand, A Peake
W Ludwig (EURALO Chair), F Seye Sylla, H Diakite, V Scartezini
M El Bashir
W Seltzer, R Sherwood, S Muthuamy, A Piazza, E Leibovitch,
N Ashton-Hart, H Ullrich, M Langenegger, G Gruber-White
Summary Minutes: Opens a new window
Action Items: Opens a new window
Transcription (EN):
1. Standing Agenda Items (20 - 25 min)
i. Review of the Agenda – CALL for Any Other Business or Re Order of items --1 min
ii. Roll Call Apologies from Members (if any) - 1 min
iii. Adoption of the 13 January 09Opens a new window and Feb (Mar 03)Opens a new window Minutes - 3 mins
iv. Review of the 13 January 09Opens a new window and Feb (Mar 03)Opens a new window Action Items - 10 mins
v. Review of current status of ALS applications (Google Docs account needed to access) – 3 mins
1.2 Reports (5 – 10 min)
i. Elected Officer & Appointment Activities
ii. Liaison reports to be inserted as available below...
Note: There will be no discussion of liaison reports during the
meeting; these links are by way of information only. Any Liaison who
wishes a discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or
has an item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to
edit the sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as
relevant. Or raise a Matter of Urgency under review of the Agenda
• Board Liaison ReportOpens a new window
• GNSO Liaison Report - MarchOpens a new window
• a new window ) is the policy development body for a narrow range of global ccTLD issues within the ICANN structure. It is established under the bylaws of ICANN. It is responsible for developing and recommending to the Board global policies relating to country-code top-level domains, nurtur...">cNSO Liaison Report
• SSAC Liaison ReportOpens a new window
• NCUC Liaison ReportOpens a new window
• IDN Liaison ReportOpens a new window
• dotMOBI Liaison ReportOpens a new window
• dotMOBI Liaison ReportOpens a new window
iii. Working Group Reports:
• Summit Declaration
• Summit WG’s
Working Group 1 - At-Large Engagement in ICANNOpens a new window
Working Group 2 - The Future Structure and Governance of ICANNOpens a new window
Working Group 3 - New gTLDsOpens a new window
Working Group 4 - ICANN Transparency and AccountabilityOpens a new window
Working Group 5 - DNS Security Issues within ICANN's RemitOpens a new window
iv. RALO Reports:
•AFRALOOpens a new window
•APRALOOpens a new window
•EURALOOpens a new window
•LACRALOOpens a new window
•NARALOOpens a new window
v. Issues to be raised at the ICANN Board Meeting
vi. Ratification and Status of ALAC Statements (see Decision Items below)
2. Items for Decision at This Meeting (20 – 30 min)
• IRT - ALAC Representatives and WG support
• Internet Registrant Rights Charter WGOpens a new window
- “Within 30 days of Board approval of the set of amendments,
representatives from the GNSO community and the ALAC shall be
identified to participate in drafting a registrant rights charter.”
Proposal on this matter to go to GNSO
• ALAC Resolution on Working Group StatementsOpens a new window
• ALAC Statements - Use of the Summit Declaration Documentation
• a new window )and Spanish ( a new window ). ">Endorsement of ALAC comments on travel issues
3. Items for Discussion (5 – 15 min)
• Follow on actions from At-Large Summit =>Review of the current
ALAC WG's in terms of nomenclature, function, and structure including
membership and leads. See: at large policy working groups
• Open Public Comments (Additional DetailsOpens a new window)
- Proposed Charter of Geographic Regions Review Working Group - Deadline: 24 March 2009
- Proposed Registrar Disqualification Procedure - Deadline: 28 March 2009
- New CyberSafety Constituency Petition and Charter - Deadline: 5 April 2009
- Fast Track Proposed Solutions - Deadline: 6 April 2009
- GNSO-Approved RAA Amendments - Deadline: 6 April 2009
- Ombudsman Framework - Deadline: 12 April 2009
- New gTLD Draft Applicant Guidebook, Version 2 - Deadline: 13 April 2009
- New GNSO Stakeholder Group Petition and Charters - Deadline: 15 April 2009
- ALAC Review WG Draft Final Report - Deadline: 17 April 2009
- RSSAC Review - Independent Consultants' Final Report - Deadline: 17 April 2009
- Board Review - Working Group Interim Report - Deadline: 17 April 2009
- New gTLDs - Preliminary Reports on Competitiuon and Pricing - Deadline: 17 April 2009
- Proposed Framework for ICANN's FY10 Operating Plan and Budget - Deadline: 30 (20) April 2009
- Report on Improving Institutional Confidence Plan - Deadline: 11 May 2009
4. Any Other Business (5 – 15 mins)
- ALAC/AT-Large involvement in GNSO Working Groups (Alan - 1 minute)