AFRALO: 2010 Nairobi Showcase
Sponsoring Letter
Download the Generic Sponsorship Letter for AFRALO as PDFOpens a new window
Dear Sir,
Warmest greetings from the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) of the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which represents the interests of the global At-Large community of individual Internet users, and the African Regional At-Large Organisation (AFRALO), which represents over 20 African national civil society groups working on Internet-related activities.
As chair of the ALAC, I am writing you on behalf of (AFRALO), to inform you that they intend to take the opportunity of the ICANN 37th meeting, to be held in Nairobi, Kenya 7-12 March, to organize an Outreach Event composed of 2 main activities: a Capacity Building Programme and an AFRALO showcase, and seeking your organisations specific support and sponsorship of these vital regional events.
The main objectives of this project are to build capacity within African Internet-related civil society organisations as well as raise awareness about ICANN policies, organisation and activities so as to increase the effectiveness of theparticipation of the African Internet end-users representatives within ICANN’s policy development process to the benefit of African governments and African individual Internet users.
Over the 5 days of the ICANN meeting in Nairobi, the project aims at providing representatives of AFRALO At-Large Structures (ALSes), national civil society organisations working on Internet-related activities, with briefings on key Internet-related policies, as well as capacity building exercises to increase knowledge on ICANN policy development practices, activities and structure.
These briefings and capacity building exercises will be conducted by ALAC officers and ICANN staff, and allow for open discussion.
It is anticipated that approximately 20 ALSes from all over Africa (see map & full Regional list) will be participating in this Capacity Building Program in Nairobi and attending the 37th ICANN Meeting.
As organisations such as yours will benefit from civil society representatives that are informed on Internet-related issues, we are seeking your support to help make this momentous outreach event possible, and the project planning work-group and leadership of AFRALO and the ALAC look forward to your response to this request and any future opportunity to discuss this in further detail with you or your nominated representatives.
We sincerely hope that your organisation will consider our request favorably to make this capacity building program a success.
As a sponsor of this Outreach Event, AFRALO will present your organisation at the showcase event and cite it among its partners for the development of the Internet in Africa.
For more information, please refer to the attached AFRALO Outreach/Capacity Building Project Plan, which has been designed to provide you with supplementary information. Complete information on this event is also available at: a new window.
If you have any questions regarding the above mentioned event and/or sponsorship matters, please do not hesitate to contact the following persons locally: |
Opens a new windowAFRICAN Regional At-Large Organisation AFRALO
Chair: Fatimata Seye Sylla |
E-mail: fsylla [at] |
Vice Chair: Tijani BEN JEMAA |
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[1] The sponsorship being requested is limited to the AFRALO Capacity Building Event. Sponsorship of this event is not a sponsorship of the 37th ICANN meeting to be held in Nairobi, Kenya 7-12 March 2010. Funding received is solely contributed to AFRALO and not ICANN. AFRALO assumes responsibility for the management and reporting of any funds received.