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IPv4 to IPv6 Migration

We have learned that the IPv4 based network will not likely to go away within 10 or 20 years. Thus there will be a need to make sure that the two different IP networks – as well as the services layered on top of them – coexist and be interoperable to the maximum extent possible. If higher level application layers cannot communicate properly between the two systems, it will be irrelevant (from the public point of view) that the lower levels are compatible.

We are aware that within the next few years, the cuurent pool of IPv4 addresses will expire, which may have a significant impact on the use of Internet by general public. We have also learned that IPv4 based network will not likely to go away within 10 ore 20 years (or beyond).

There will be the need to maker sure that two different IP networks, IPv4 and IPv6, and the services layered on top of them, coexist and be interoperable to the maxiumum extent possible. This coexistence and adoption of IPv6 is of great importance to everyone.

At-Large has decided to create a working group to focus to enable At-Large to work with other ICANN stakeholders to ensure that all the necesarry works be done by the Internet community to achieve the continued stable nework and service provision for the end users.

We will also work to help global end-user community understand what is happening and why and for them to participate in the process. At the same time, the management of the existing pool of IPv4 addresses will need careful attention as the pool of available IPv4 addresses continues to be drawn down.

Note that the issues related to IPv4, IPv6, and coexistence are key issues before the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) - At-Large has a liaison to that committee and the details can be found at the SSAC LiaisonOpens a new window page.

The IPv4 and v6 allocation policies are decided and implemented by each Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) and globally coordinated among them. Number Resource Organization (NRO) consist of five RIRs as well as ICANN's Address Supporting Organization (ASO) are also working on the global policy coordination.

A mailing list has been created for those in the working group, and also anyone who wants to follow the work. You can subscribe at a new window - do join in the work and the fun of learning about how IPv6 will make the Internet better for everyone.

Statement to the ASO (Nov 2007)Opens a new window

Statement at ICANN New Delhi Meeting (Feb 2008)Opens a new window
