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ALAC Statement on the Registrar Accreditation Agreement ("RAA") Amendments Proposals Available for Community Comment

The At-Large Registrant Registrar Relations working group (RRR-WG) has produced a draft Statement on the RAA Amendments Consultation for At-Large community comment.

The draft statement may be viewed online at: a new window. The comment button at the top of that page may be used to make your views known (please make sure you include your name when commenting).

The Statement is on the agenda for vote by the ALAC during its meeting on 9th September. Therefore, in order to provide Beau and his coworkers on this statement time to review and incorporate comments from the community, he has asked that comments be made before midnight on 7th September 2008.

For more background information about the public consultation related to the RAA to which this draft statement responds please review the following:

English: a new window.

Espanol: a new window

Francais: a new window

A telephonic briefing on the RAA Amendments was conducted recently. You may listen to the recordings at:

English: a new window

Français: a new window

Español: a new window


Translations of the draft statement have been requested and will be posted as soon as they are available.

The At-Large Registrant Registrar Relations working group's online home is at: a new window.